Cookie policy

COOKIE POLICY (2018-05-17)

This website uses cookies

We use device identifiers to customize content and ads for users, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic. We also forward such identifiers and other information from your device to the social media, advertisement, and analytics companies we work with. These may in turn combine the information with other information you have provided or that they have collected when you have used their services.

What are cookies and how do we use them?

A cookie file is a piece of text that, with your permission, can be placed on your computer’s hardware. If you agree to this, your browser will add the text in a separate file. United Spaces uses cookie files to facilitate the analysis of traffic on our websites by getting to know who has visited our website at a certain time. In the settings of your browser, you can specify whether you accept cookie files to be placed on your device or not. You can also choose to delete cookie files that have been placed on your device at any time.

You can read more about cookies at the following places: or

Read about our privacy policy


United Spaces Network Offices AB
Box 190
101 23 Stockholm

Orgnr: 556668-1069
Phone: 08-692 65 00